The conversion process did turn out to be a bit of a project. Because we're poor (this is a great way to start off any sentence by the way and I plan on using it frequently), I decided I wanted to sell some of the useless treasures we didn't use in the man cave to fund all the tiny human goodies I wanted to put in the new space. Craigslist it was. Note: craigslist isn't your friend. Eventually I sold enough stuff to make around $300 (pretty good, eh?) to buy all the play room goodies I decided the little people needed. Again, I'm cheap, I mean poor, and I decided to buy all the stuff off craigslist. This way around craigslist was my friend. yay!
Unfortunately, I didn't take any before pics, but had some random ones I took from when we were trying to sell stuff. And here is the new and improved(?) space.
"old" man cave ( I really tried, but failed at finding pics):

See? It really was a man cave-- it had a mini fridge.
Really, seriously failed at finding pics....
And here is the new tiny human cave:

Tiny humans using/enjoying/destroying said space:
Ta da! Now mommy has another space to clean up. Good thing I love my tiny humans.
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