Friday, February 8, 2013


So to say I have taken a blogging hiatus is somewhat of an understatement. It all started when our computer decided to have an early life meltdown. The flucking thing is only three years old. We are fortunate enough to have many other computer like gadgets, thus enabling us to be somewhat lazy about fixing the computer. So, instead of fixing the thing, we put it off. Then put it off some more. 

Anywhooo, we basically let our computer sit and collect dust, and blogging from the iPad is just plain difficult, so with all these excellent excuses adding up, I just didn't blog (some other fun stuff happened, but I'll get to that in a quick second). Well, flash back to a couple weeks ago, we took our iMac to the Apple store and they fixed it for free... for free! Nice, we waited for no reason. 

It was a nice break though, but I'm definitely ready to get my blog game on again! 

As for the fun other stuff that played a role in my blogging hiatus; we found out we are expecting baby #2!! Pretty cool right? Totally. I'm now 21 weeks (about 5 months for all those 'have-yet-to-make-a-baby-people-who-don't-talk-about-babys-growth-in-weeks'), but those first three months were brutal and I was a HUGE lazy sloth. I didn't wanna blog. I didn't wanna be conscious most of the time. It was fantastic. You shoulda seen my house. 

Other questionably fun stuff: we decided to sell our house (still trying to sell it), we decided to change our eating habits and are practicing a Paleo based diet (recipes to come) our tiny human turned 4, annnnnd I dyed my hair purple-- I'm a mermaid now!

So, now I'm gonna post a bunch of awesome pics from what has happened over the past few months and begin blogging again, yay! 

Ready, go!

October/ Halloween time:

Olins 4th Birthday/ November:

December/ Christmas time/ January/ Feburary: 


  1. Yay, glad you're back...and CONGRATS on baby #2!!!!

  2. Oh my goodness! That little boy of yours is such a stud! You dress him so adorably! Congrats on baby #2! :)
